Witches Woods Lake
Woodstock Valley, CT
Welcome to Witches Woods Lake!
You are welcome to attend the Board Member Meetings; ask any Board member for more information. The next meeting is Wednesday, April 2, 2025 at 6:30 PM. If you have any concerns, please see any Board member.
Water Craft
Personal water craft (Jet Ski, Sea Doo, and Wave Runner, etc.) are strictly prohibited from Witches Woods Lake.
For more information, please click HERE
Please slow down. Remind visitors and workmen that our speed limit is 15 mph.
1. When dogs are off of your property, they MUST be leashed.
2. No burning is allowed in Woodstock at any time, other than cooking food on an outside fire.
3. Boat paperwork MUST be submitted before placing the boat into the water.
Register Now to receive Emergency Alerts
This is the Witches Woods Tax District official web site. This site is operated and maintained by the Witches Woods Tax District Board of Directors. Our aim is to make this site an enjoyable, informative and interactive experience for you. We’ll share information about Witches Woods Lake, activities and lake business. We hope that you will share your thoughts and ideas with us and that we all get to know each other better to maximize our enjoyment of Witches Woods Lake. Your comments and interactions will help us make this website a success.
Witches Woods Board Meetings are typically the first Wednesday of the month. and open to residents. Please check with a board member for time and place.
Covenants (deed restrictions) are enforced by the Board of Directors. Landowners, as well as guests and renters, are responsible for knowing and adhering to the covenants. (Recorded Vol. 64/578 - Town of Woodstock)
Witches Woods Tax District